
[開場藝人] Opening DJ | Terrence J

DJ Terrence J
活躍圈中的身影,擁有超過十年以上的歷練,建構Terrence J 獨特的音樂主張。不斷探索多元範疇,從極簡科技聲響到沈穩挑動的浩室節奏,利用快慢的速度對比更能引動現場氣氛與感受聽覺狂歡的刺激。極度情緒起伏的大膽波動,強化與舞客之間互動,正是Terrence J 鮮明耀目設定的自身風格!

An active figure in the Taiwan DJ Circuit, with more then ten years of expenience building his musical ideas.
Terrence J has continued to explore dicerse areas of electronic dance music, from the minimalist sound set to stir the calm rhythm of a dance floor to faster house music creating a more camical atmosphere and feelings for auditory stimulation.
Extreme emotional ups and downs of the bold fluctuations, strengthen and ineraction between dancers, it is Terrence J own distinctive style and sparkling sets!!

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